Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Undaily musings of course!

Hmmm so i haven’t written anything in a couple of days, weird that huh…not really. Fucking Simpsons on TV again, god channel 10 let it damn well go.  I hate it so much.  I would rather bash my head against a wall laced with broken shards of glass and shark teeth.

So Michael threw his back out and has been painfully moving around very little even after taking Codeine. I tore my toe’s open on the stairs yesterday so we both sitting around mostly out of action. I’ve been amusing myself with books on my Dopod and playing Farm Frenzy that i downloaded off of a torrent last night.

We’ve had Joe over for the past couple of days which is always fun and enjoyable. He’s great. He even gave us his old stereo he doesn’t use which sounds spectacular in my opinion, especially with the old Stereo’s speakers hooked in along with the new ones.

Apart from that we really haven’t been able to do too much. Dave came over on the weekend which was nice. Always good to hang out and catch up with him. Even if i was tired like a little old lady and went to bed early. Funny contrast to my now insomnia problems.

That’s really about it to update on my boring ass life…



  1. I actually liked reading this. Quite a good summary of our past couple of days. Good work baby!
