Friday, May 22, 2009

Time for a pregnancy survey!

  • Is this your first baby? Yep it sure is.

  • Were you trying to get pregnant? Sure were:D

  • How far along were you when you found out? 5 weeks, pee test at Michaels mums place.
  • What was your reaction? A thumbs up to Michael across the room and the once we blurted it out much celebration. Exibit A.
  • Who was the first person you told? Nick(Michael’s brother) and his girlfriend Shell. Then Gino, Joe and Charlie(Michaels mums boyfriend) And Michaels mum when she got home from work!
  • How did you tell the father? A thumbs up from across the room initially.

  • What was his reaction? He was excited, ecstatic and just chuffed!

  • When is your due date? November 21-27th

  • Did you have any morning sickness? None at all

  • Did you want a boy or girl? As long as it’s healthy i’d be happy with either a boy or a girl!
  • Do you know what you’re having? Three to four more weeks!

  • Do you plan on a natural or medicated birth? C-Section due to medical issues.
  • Are you scared about labour? Not at all. I would prefer to go into labour naturally then go for the C-Section.
  • Do you think you will cry when you see the baby for the first time? I’m sure i will
  • Who is going to be with you?: My partner Michael!

  • Are you going to video tape it?: No but i would love to have a picture of Michael, Me and the baby when we first see it!
  • Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold it?: Probably smile cry and not be able to speak.

  • Do you have a name picked out?: for a girl, Missy Jones and for a boy Kevin Michael Jones

  • Is your baby going to be named after anyone?: Yes the girls name is a tribute to Michaels mums nickname and also His nan. And Kevin Michael is for Kevin; Michaels pop and Michael for obviously Michael and also because my dad’s middle name is Michael.
  • What do you think the baby will be a “daddy’s girl/boy” or a “mommy’s girl/boy”?: I think both to be completely honest!
  • Wednesday, May 20, 2009

    first scan!

    We had our first scan done on Monday it was an amazing experience to see the baby moving and turning and sucking his thumb/fist. Seeing it really made this a complete reality. It’s really happening and it’s not going to disappear like i had feared for weeks. I’m so happy, so excited, proud and amazed. I’m blow away and Michael has been so amazing. I couldn’t be any happier at the moment. This is just a short update entry.


                                                        This one is the clearest of the two of the arms. Here if you look closely you can see the baby’s head on the bottom left with the body on the right facing upwards. where the white arrow is pointing you can see the arm near it’s face.


    scan2smallAnd here we have on the left, the baby’s face in profile looking up from the bottom as well as an outline of the baby’s body:)

    Saturday, May 9, 2009

    A quick update

    Even though I Know that anyone who reads this blog or Michaels blog
    knows that we announced our big news yesterday. I still wanted to
    write it here anyway. The big news is incase you didnt know is that i
    am 12 weeks pregnant. We are Very Very excited about it and so far it
    has been an amazing experience so far. I havent had any morning
    sickness Which is very awesome. I will write much more later but for
    now i have to go and get ready for wades birthday party ......

    Thursday, May 7, 2009

    Kudoo doodoo

    Ok so I thought I should probably get into gear and write a new blog.
    So for the moment i'm without my laptop for god knows how long. The
    power cable is broken from what I can tell which isn't going to be
    covered under warranty. Meaning i'll have to pay for it and right now
    there is no way I can afford to. So I am stuck using my Pda and
    wireless keyboard its ok at lease I have something to use as opposed
    to nothing at all. So here I sit next to Michael watching The X-Files
    really quite enjoyin myself. Michael and I have big news coming up
    very soon but that's still to come. On a funny note I just punched the
    crap out of his right arm until he was all "Ow ok stop stop"! I found
    it pretty damn funny haha. Ok so that's it for now i'm off.

    Sunday, May 3, 2009

    Saturday, May 2, 2009

    Mother fucking fucker

    Just wrote a blog to have it not post and close so it’s lost in the depths of hell now. Fuck it. It’s not like it was anything too interesting anyways. Mostly just me moaning about shit and going on about how boring and uneventful my life is.

    meh whatever this will do.