Michael just went to bed so I'm now up on my own. I feel like a bout of insomnia is coming up. I don't actually feel at all tired. Then again maybe if I go and lay in bed I'll fall asleep. Not that I really feel like laying in bed for three hours until I fall asleep.
Today has been such a...meh kind of day. Didn't really do anything apart from house work, more of that to come tomorrow too. Although I know house work is a never ending thing so there's no hope of every actually being "finished" with it.
I have a feeling that in the next few weeks I'm going to have to reload windows on my laptop. This shit is running nowhere near the speed it's supposed to. Kind of reminds me of the old laptop which really shouldn't be possible seeing as this one has more than 5 times the ram and space that the old one had. It's not that I've even been to any websites that would load shit to run in the background. It just seems to run slower and slower every day. I thought Vista was supposed to have all this new built in shit that stopped some of the slow down. Pfft right Vista sucks ass so i'm guess it's a load of bullshit.
Fuck i have the most terrible heart burn right now. Anyone have any remedies for it that don't invole Milk? I'm seriously over the constant burning in my throat and the also very constant stabbing/stinging gut pains I have had pretty constantly these past couple of days. I Also have feeling like i have no energy to do anything. Even though it's not really like i have a whole lot to do, it'd be nice to have the drive to do some more Amigurumi or re-organise the shit under the stairs or even change the sheets on the bed. Which i don't think have been changed in weeks....pretty fucking gross in my opinion. Normally i would change them once a week, but that means more washing, more effort and i just barely have the energy to get through the day even with having one or two nanna naps. Man that makes me feel really old.
I haven't touched my guitar in months either which is kind of sad. Haven't really listened to any music either. Maybe that's a sign i need to update what's on my ipod and get myself interested in at least listening to music again. I've been going through phases with it though, I'll listen to music constantly for a while and then just abruptly stop listening to it at all. I've been using my Ipod to read ebooks instead which can't really be too good for the battery life having the back light on constantly while reading thousands of pages of text. Ah well fuck it, at least i'm using it for something.
Maybe i should get back into reading the actual books i own. I have quite a few that i enjoy reading, but i would really love to get some more Kelly Armstrong books. I really wish my dopod was still working too, i have a ton of books on it that i still haven't gotten around to reading. Still waiting for the next Rachel Vincent book which isn't going to be available until July. That just feels like way too long to wait. I love her Shifter series and it's just frustrating there are only a few books in the series out yet. That's why the Kelly Armstrong books were so great, because i could read the whole Woman of the Otherworld series one after another in context and really it felt like one huge story instead of waiting around for the next small instalment. I think tomorrow i'm going to try and fix my dopod so i can read some of the other books of a similar Genre that i haven't read yet, it'll give me something constructive to do. Maybe i will even start posting reviews on the books as i read them. Hmm probably not i barely have the drive to update shit like this normally haha.
I really miss Lion-O. It was one week yesterday that we had to put him to sleep and i miss him so so much. The house feels like there is something missing now that he's gone. I miss the way he'd greet me in the morning when I got up to use the bathroom. I miss the way he'd bolt down the stairs and follow me into the kitchen then rub up against me constantly while i made my breakfast and I miss how he used to kick up the biggest stink if you picked him up when he didn't want to be picked up. There are so many little things that i miss about him. Even how he used to sit at the front door in the sun and watch the cars go past down the driveway. It's just not the same without him but i guess it's going to take a while to get used to him not being around any more. On that note i think I'm going to wrap this up. It's too depressing to write about this stuff any more.
:( Cheer up Pinky.