Thursday, June 16, 2011
busy busy, being a mummy!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
the birth and what not
Well colour my fanny and tickle me sideways. I just scanned when my last blog was! Since then i've had a baby shower, HAD the baby (haha) and he's now 15 days old. Now THAT is just extremely trippy because i remember thinking to myself, god the moment is never going to come when i can hold him, feed him and hug him when he wants affection. But here i am, there he is and he's over two weeks old now! the time is really flying. He's changing so quickly and i feel like if i sleep or blink or even sneeze i'm going to miss some significant moment. I've gotten used to this constant feeling that at any moment i'm going to pass out and asleep for a week, it's surprisingly easy to function this way lol.
Everythings easier than i expected, it's times like these when you wonder what the hell you were ever really worried about! For pictures there are a ton on my dailybooth account.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Preggers stuff again!
For those who think they are small for 33 weeks, give it time it'll just jump out at you in the next few coming weeks or you may just be one of those lucky few who don't get amazingly huge!
The doctors were worried my bub was too small, Ultrasound yesterday proved he's fine and actually a week ahead in size development yay for 6 weeks instead of 7!
Getting up to go to the loo 4 - 5 times a night is frustrating, but not has bad as a few weeks ago when i was getting up at least 10 times a night, do what i do or at least try it and see if it helps! Figure out what time you normally go to bed and stop drinking large amounts of fluids about an hour before. That way you'll go before bed and even though you will be still up a couple of times in the night it won't be anywhere near as urgent and you'll be getting up less!
For the back pain my Physio was amazing, she's helped so much with only a few simple exercises! Look up stretches and exercises for pregnant woman to relieve say, back, hip and leg pain, you'll be amazed at the difference!
I'm so excited and can't wait for bub to be here. I'm a bit nervous about the c-section though! hopefully recovery time is good. Good luck to all of you expecting shortly and i hope everything goes well for you all!
Pictures from 32 weeks:)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
26 amost 27 weeks.

How time flies these days. The pregnancy has gone pretty smoothly so far with no major issues. Not too much to report apart from the babies room being done except for the small bits and peices along the way. Will update more as things come to pass. Last trimester shortly so not long at all to go. Very exciting! Some pictures of the babies room. <3<3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It's a...
Anyways, it was great to see Little Kevin Michael kicking and sucking his fingers and moving around, a real treat for over an hour too. Very well worth the uncomfortable prodding around my bladder hehe!
So happy, so exciting, almost half way there!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Time for a pregnancy survey!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
first scan!
We had our first scan done on Monday it was an amazing experience to see the baby moving and turning and sucking his thumb/fist. Seeing it really made this a complete reality. It’s really happening and it’s not going to disappear like i had feared for weeks. I’m so happy, so excited, proud and amazed. I’m blow away and Michael has been so amazing. I couldn’t be any happier at the moment. This is just a short update entry.
This one is the clearest of the two of the arms. Here if you look closely you can see the baby’s head on the bottom left with the body on the right facing upwards. where the white arrow is pointing you can see the arm near it’s face.
And here we have on the left, the baby’s face in profile looking up from the bottom as well as an outline of the baby’s body:)